Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cold shower, please...

I love how Rob has gotten into this blogging thing.. he's such a great writer, much better than me.. just reading about how far Rwanda has come is truly inspiring as Rob has said, and I am so happy that we get to experience this beautiful country together.. i can't even describe what trekking the gorillas was like.. all the volunteers were asking when i got home and all i could really say is "it was fucking amazing".. at the volunteer house we haven't had water for a couple days now and i find myself longing for a cold shower from the hose.. it's hard to be perky in the morning with no running water for days and eating stale hot dog buns for breakfast.. Michelle, one of the girls at the house, gave me a yogurt today which was amazing.. oh the things i have learned to appreciate! i also found myself wanting to be faceless today as i walked to work.. this is pretty difficult to do when it seems that people know my name that i don't remember meeting.. they will yell at me and i will give my usual "Muraho!" and then they will ask me if i remember their name.. sadly, i've only gotten about 2 right, on a bit of a losing streak to say the least.. so today i put on my headphones on before heading out for some much needed radiohead and brian borcherdt.. i still gave my usual "muraho" to everyone i passed but i kept walking.. it was a nice walk.. tomorrow i will go back to stopping and talking to every other person, but today i needed to be faceless..

I'm going to Gabby and Michelle's orphanage today as it is their last day in Rwanda.. i love these girls and wish we had more time together.. Rob and I will definitely be visiting them in Australia.. I'll be their photographer for the day, hoping to capture the last moments they have in the orphanage..

well that's it for now! just wanted to give a little update on my end.. much love and miss everyone tons xo


  1. i might just eat a stale hot dog bun and yogurt for breakfast tomorrow as a tribute to your sacrifice!
    ..ok, well probably not, but the thought is there :)

  2. Just want you to know Boo that Misty (a girl who sits beside me at work, lol) and me think you are one amazing woman! And even with no cold shower.......you still manage to look amazing and have a glow about you. Must be because you are having such an amazing time.

    Keep the blogs and pics coming guys and thank you so much for keeping us all informed and taking us on this journey with you!

    Love you both,

    Sacha, Trev, Maryah & Maddy

  3. I love your writing Boo because it sounds like you!! Keep it coming!

