Flights - check!
Vaccinations - check!
Volunteer fee - check!
Fundraising - check!
Mt Kilimanjaro booking, flights to Arusha and Zanizibar, purchase of 100 Cliff bars for comfort food, orphanage placement, etc. etc. - pending until further notice...
I can honestly say at this point I am just full of excitement and am extremely eager to get on that plane and meet the beautiful people of Rwanda. There has been times that I have been struck with feelings of anxiety and discomfort knowing that this is going to be a very challenging experience as much as it will be rewarding. These fears mainly came when I realized that I will be staying an hour away from Rob and that there is general elections which will occur near the end of our stay. Stress - CHECK! Yet after spending my morning reading fellow volunteers blogs from their experience in the orphanages and schools of Rwanda, that ball of nerves has been replaced with positive energy and excitement. Also, no need to worry about the elections nervous family members. They are not until August 9th and we will be gone to Tanzania by then.
I feel so extremely blessed to have so much support from so many amazing people. My fundraising campaign was a huge success and I was able to raise my full volunteer fee! The generosity from people is overwhelming and brings me gushes of warm fuzzies. I am very lucky to have such amazing people in my life. I have decided that I will take $200 from my fundraising to sponsor two children through school for a year.
Well, I better stop blogging and get to working. Watching an episode on Rwanda from Departures is important prep work, right? If anyone wants to check it out online here's the link --> I will be updating this blog as often as possible in hopes of keeping loved ones well informed of our travels.
Much Love and Hugs